Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

What a wonderful country we live in! Despite all the problems going on in the world, how comforting to know that God has blessed us with this great nation to call home. Yes, it is not perfect, and yes, there are things that need to change, but what better place on earth is there to live than the Great US of A? I've lived in Europe and have traveled all over the world and have to say, there isn't a better country than America. It is blessed by God despite its sins and shortcomings! Just considering our birth is evidence that the Lord's hand was in our inception. And the fact that we survived a civil war and other world wars and emerged stronger is greater proof still. I'm proud to be an American and proud to call this country home!

Also, it's my youngest daughter, Rachel's, birthday. She was born on the 4th of July in merry ole England - how's that for irony? Today she is sweet 16. Happy Birthday Rachel!

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