Unfortunately, the same is true of our colleges and
universities. As The Hunting Ground
shows, a whopping 20% of women students will be sexually assaulted while
attending university. That’s 1 in 5. For many of us parents who are spending
hard-earned (and borrowed) money to educate our kids, one would think the
universities and colleges would acknowledge these crimes, punish the assailants
and work with local police in bringing them to justice, provide means of
support for the victims, and at the very least, warn students and parents of
the dangers lurking on college campuses. But sadly, the facts are very
different. Most of these fine institutions remain tight-lipped, imposing middle
school-type punishments for the perpetrators, all the while insinuating that
the statistics are inflated or that the victims are either lying, emotionally
disturbed, or deserving of the outcome. It’s enough to make one’s blood boil!
A comment regarding the film: it is wonderfully done with great cinematography,
a compelling story with engaging characters, and sufficient drama that keeps
the viewer waiting on the edge of the seat for justice to be served.
Unfortunately, when it comes to changing age-old institutions run by educators
determined to preserve their reputations, one must be very patient before
significant changes occur.
Enter the two heroines of the documentary, Andrea Pino and Annie
E. Clark, from my alma mater, UNC Chapel Hill. Both young women are attractive,
smart as a whip, and wise beyond their years; they each bear their unique
battle wounds from an endless fight against the behemoth university system to
extract some sense of justice. Tragically, both were violently raped by fellow
students and seamlessly pushed aside by university authorities after reporting the
crime. As instructed, they tried to forget about the assault and move on with
their lives, but when depression set in and the effects of PTSD took control,
they realized professional help was needed.
Over time, the number of additional victims who came forward grew
so large that it became obvious the university was sitting on a very big
problem that was only getting worse. Just barely in their twenties, the two girls
went public, banded together, and started a dialogue that led to a successful Title
IX case against UNC. Media coverage followed, and with it, intimidation and
death threats. But these two young crusaders stood firm and refused to back
down. Victims from other universities across the US reached out and shared
their similar stories, revealing that sexual assault on college campuses has
become a growing epidemic.
Lest one assume this an issue unique to the South, the viewer is
presented with additional testimonies that prove these crimes are prevalent all
over the country. Harvard, Stanford, Florida State, and Notre Dame are some of
the universities highlighted by the filmmakers, but the problem is rampant.
Fraternities with their rumored rape dungeons and regaled athletes are the
obvious danger zones, as are clubs, bars, and drunken parties. But statistics
show that one-on-one friendships in supposed safe settings are risky as well.
One featured victim, who still suffers emotional pain, was lured
to a supposed Halloween party by friends, only to find she had entered a
well-laid trap. Alcohol seems to be common in most cases, along with spiked
drinks, and heads smashed against hard surfaces in an eerily similar way that
it made me wonder whether there are underground classes where these young men
are taught how to immobilize their victims. Suicides follow and the victim’s parents
are left heartbroken and confused as to why the university and/or local police never
dealt with the matter. Why is it their traumatized child was forced to continue
attending class with his or her rapist who in many cases received nothing more
than a firm scolding? Ironically, the institutions seem to care more about plagiarism
and other honor violations than sexual assault.
As the footage moved to late-night fraternity parties, I felt the
hair on the back of my neck stand on end, as though I was watching a Hollywood
psychodrama. Haunting images of attractive girls slinking behind frat house doors
made me want to jump out of my seat—don’t they know what will happen to them in
that devil’s den where rowdy “brothers” lurk in packs, complete with drugs,
spiked alcohol, and cellphones set to record their evil deeds for all the
Internet to see? These young men are presented as brute beasts enraged with
mild-altering testosterone that has the ability to turn a bright, well-cultured
gentleman into the most base of animals. I know I’m exaggerating, but am I
really? Just watch and listen to the victims tell their sordid tales. As a
mother of three young college students, I scratch my head, wondering how this
can happen. It is certainly proof that man is totally depraved, as the Bible
The story finally escalates to the world of college sports,
particularly the FSU football team, where a very high-profile quarterback is
accused of a most heinous crime. The victim’s account is heart-breaking, and
her attempt at fighting the all-powerful university athletic program for an
ounce of retribution is like fists flailing at the air. DNA from a rape-kit
connects him to the crime, but that is as far as it goes. Another victim comes
forward, but the evidence is insufficient. He goes on to play in a national
championship game and is the number one draft pick in the NFL, while she quits
school and suffers the taunts of her fellow classmates. It is another needless tragedy
that bolsters this most sobering statistic: less than 4% of college students are athletes, yet student
athletes are responsible for 19% of sexual assaults on college campuses.
As one might conclude from the tone of this review, The Hunting Ground does a superb job of
stirring the mama bear in all of us parents who are ready to fight to the death
for our kids. I may be a die-hard UNC Tarheel, but university (or Panhellenic)
loyalty will never usurp the fierce loyalty I have for my own flesh and blood.
The first step in implementing change is to talk about the
problem, and this documentary is a great place to start. I urge every parent
with college-aged children to watch this film and educate the entire family on
the risks of sexual assault. And as for us Christians, we must pray for divine
protection, healing for the victims, and a change that will last to the next
For more information about viewing this powerful film, contact http://www.thehuntinggroundfilm.com.
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