Friday, February 10, 2012

When the Sun Peeks Through

Here is a fabulous poem written by Veronica Delgado (aka Noni) who is in the Kingdom Principles Writers Group. Enjoy! It is Holy Spirit inspired!
When the Sun Peeks Through
When the sun peeks through
the blinds in the morning
and tickles yours eyes, it’s me.

When the waves wash up
over your tender legs
on the shore, it’s me.

When the wind hugs you
and the stars bring you hope;
when the trees shade you
and the grass seats you
it is I.

It’s me, the one who loves you the most;
peeking at you while you sweetly sleep,
stroking your lovely legs,
pulling you into my embrace,
shading you from the hot Georgia sun,
giving you a place to rest.

When you look up at the stars
knowing that there is more in this world
than what you can touch,
I am looking down at you
knowing that everything that
makes life worth living
is within you.

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