Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's wonderful when your sweet daughters claim they need to run to the store for feminine products (always a good excuse!) and come home with these beautiful roses! Today is a great day to remember those romantic loves in our lives, like our sweet, handsome husbands who God gave us as precious gifts. It is also a great day to remember and be thankful for our darling kids, more precious gifts from God! But most importantly, it is a great day to remember our heavenly bridegroom, Jesus, who shed his blood on the cross and died for us.

Those who know me, know I am always looking for Jesus and the finished work of the cross in everything the world offers. And Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity! Ever wonder why it's hearts, sweets, red, roses, love...??? It's all about Jesus! A red valentine's heart points to Jesus, the wonderful romantic savior! He is the rose of Sharon, the balm of Gilead, the one who offers sweet words of love and tender mercy. So if you don't have a hubby, boyfriend, or romantic love, remember that Jesus is here with open arms, offering His heart to you. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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