Monday, September 7, 2015

Becoming an Empty Nester

Becoming an empty nester is a truth all of us parents know we must face some day, way off in the future. While changing diapers, preparing meals and snacks, loading grocery carts to the gills, and running the carpool, one never really thinks about life with an empty, quiet home that awaits in 20 years time. But as the clock ticks down, the day finally comes. 

The busy season that preceded it, filled with graduation, orientation, shopping for dorm room decor, and updating the college wardrobe kept this Type A first-born mama's mind at a whir, so that when the quiet came, it seemed abrupt and cruel. Now what to do? The rooms are clean, no need to stock the fridge, the basement is straight, the yard taken care of. . . Time to realize one has entered into a new chapter of life.

There is sadness in leaving the old chapter behind, because I now realize motherhood was my 24/7 job that I loved and am really good at. I know I'll still be called upon from time to time when my kids need help or advice, etc., but it won't be the same. Once you've gone from one life chapter to another, there's no going back.

So I've decided to be excited, thrilled, elated. No more mandatory weekly grocery runs, no more cooking every night, no more incessant laundrey piles, messy rooms, basement furniture covered in snack crumbs, no more dealing with Cobb County schools (which I am grateful for all they did for our kids, btw), no more weekend scheduling around sports games and competitions. Bill and I can go whenever and wherever we want without announcing our departure. We can eat leftovers for days, and we can head off for the weekend at a moment's notice. And we will do it! 

We already have our list of places in the Atlanta area to explore, one being the Marietta Diner. Amazing place. But that's just a small beginning. There's lots more to come - the Lord will lead and guide us into new ventures and callings and wonderful family reunions with our children. I'm beginning to see that the best awaits us!!

Here are some pics of my birthday celebration, Braxton's Marching Chief attire, Rachel with her UK friends, and Anna at Dragon Con. And of course, the wonderful Marietta Diner!!

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