Friday, March 14, 2014

Redeeming Love - Hugh Jackman as the lead!

It is so interesting that the women I have met who are directly or tangentially involved in trying to get Francine River's wonderful book, Redeeming Love, made into a movie, have seen Hugh Jackman as the lead. Look at this picture of Mr. Jackman - can't you just see him as Michael Hosea praying to the Lord to strengthen him in his calling to love the broken Angel?

For those who have read the book, I defy you to suggest any other actor who could play the role! For those of you who haven't read the book, get it today, read it and be blessed! I am referencing my former blog posting that was published years ago re: my hope and prayer that this anointed book gets made into a movie.

For those of you who want more of Francine Rivers, you MUST read her Mark of the Lion series. Absolutely fabulous! I just posted my review of it from several years ago.

Thank you to a blog follower who reminded me of how we need to keep praying for special projects to make their way to the big screen (or even TV) so that people can be blessed by these timeless stories of unconditional love and forgiveness. Thank you to her for this wonderful picture!

Blessings to you all!


  1. Absolutely. This book of Francine Rivers is truly anointed and must be written into a screenplay --audiences everywhere will be moved by it and God will use it for His glory and to reversal His redeeming love to people everywhere it is shown. It is a must for the big screen. What can be done other than just praying to bring this about? I believe that someone needs to write the screenplay first --right ? Or does it mean when the rights have already been sold to this Hollywood Christian --that a screenplay already exists?
    Please let me know I sincerely feel called to play a role in getting this out somehow.

  2. So sorry I'm just seeing this comment a year later. Supposedly the project is in development and we are looking into it. Our prayers are being answered. Now to pray that the script will be stellar and the acting and production quality top notch!!
