Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow in Atlanta!

I can't remember the last time we got enough snow in our area to actually get out the sleds and play. Years ago, Bill purchased three plastic sleds that haven't seen the light of day since yesterday! Even Bill and I and my sister had a wild time sledding down our steep driveway. We were all safe and warm with plenty of food in the fridge.

Little did we know what was going on around us in Atlanta and the Cobb County area - people stuck on the interstate, running out of gas, ditching their cars and camping out in convenience stores and friendly grocery stores. Some used social media to find friends nearby willing to loan a bed for the night. Others spent the night at work and midtown hotels. Some trekked through the snow (longest I heard was 6 miles!) Awful!! But the worst was poor little children trapped at school, having to spend the night with teachers and administrators. God bless them, but as a parent, I can't imagine knowing your kids are spending the night away from home at a school facility. 

I pray the sun melts the roads quickly and we can all get back to our normal routines. We take so much for granted and don't realize how blessed we are until something like this happens, and we have to truly lean on the mercy and grace of God. I know His angels were out and about last night getting people to safety. 

The Lord also moved on the hearts of many to give a helping hand. Bill just informed me of Chipper Jones being the hero to one of his Braves compadres. It's wonderful to hear that many people have loving, compassionate hearts despite what we may think about mankind in general. 

Blessings to everyone! May you stay safe and warm! Thank you, Jesus, for Your divine protection!!

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