Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11

courtesy of Wikipedia
Most women don't have a clear recollection of a day when they ironed their husband's trousers, but I certainly do. It was September 11, 2001, around 10:00 am. My day started with a parent seminar at the kids' elementary school, (which was interrupted by a cacophony of cell phones ringing), a frantic call from my sister, and then back home to turn on the TV and watch in horror as the unthinkable unfolded before the entire nation. I wanted to do something other than pray, but there was nothing to be done, so out came the ironing board.

I never iron. I don't like ironing, really, but that day my husband's trousers were very well pressed. After a quick call from my mother-in-law, I finally got ahold of my husband who had just landed in Paris. I was on the phone with him when the second tower fell at around 10:28 am. I'm still haunted by the image of the handsome, dark-haired young man with khaki trousers (looking like a sweet frat boy), hanging from the top of the building with nowhere to go but down. I can only imagine the horror his mother, father, wife, siblings, family felt at seeing their loved one staring into the abyss of death. I pray he knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Now, our country is faced with the question of whether we should or should not intervene militarily in Syria. The legislative branch is being asked by President Obama to get on board and agree to his plan to take immediate military action. After having endured conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, most Americans are weary of battles and war, and none of us want to send our sons and daughters overseas to fight, if it does come to that.

Those of us familiar with Bible prophecy are aware that these events are ushering in the millennial/Messianic age which is fast coming on the earth. In my opinion, it is no coincidence that all the issues regarding Syria has happened between Rosh Hashanah (Sept 5th - my birthday!) and Yom Kippur, two high holy days in Israel. Much is said by the Lord in OT regarding Syria and the End Times, and for those who are born again in Christ Jesus, it is an exciting, exhilarating time. Yes, there may be hardship and pressure to fear, but if we press into our faith and believe the Lord's promises in His Word, then we can rest in Him and watch the good that will ultimately manifest. He has promised us that all things work together for our good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28. Christians, believe in and trust your Lord! Nonbelievers, accept His invitation to believe and receive His goodness!

We will never forget those who lost and gave their lives on this day twelve years ago, nor will we forget that we are hated by a spiritual enemy who hates those God loves. God loves Jesus, His church, Israel, and the world. God's plans and purposes will come to pass, just as He has promised in His Word, and that is a great comfort! For those who are not well-versed in the Bible, a great scripture to read, meditate on, and claim is all of Psalms 91. It has brought great peace and comfort to me and my family over the years.

Lord bless us and this nation we call home! Bless Israel and all of your precious children scattered throughout the nations! May there be peace/shalom in Jerusalem, Syria, and all the World!

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