Monday, April 16, 2012


It was interesting, at the Easter brunch table, Braxton made a comment that I hadn't done a picture of him yet, so after all of the festivities died down, I got busy and did this of him. I really like it and had fun doing the herringbone jacket. These pictures are a lot of fun for me and really a form of worship. As I'm drawing, I listen to teachings from Joseph Prince or go on a Netflix movie marathon and the hours seem to cruise by! I find that I have to force myself to go to bed before the sun rises! Now I've done all three kids and I can rest a bit - but then, maybe not. There certainly are a lot more ideas floating around in my head! It's amazing how this art ministry idea has taken on a life of its own.

1 comment:

  1. Just let all of your ideas simmer until May 3, okay? That's my last day of school.....after that art ministry is going to explode :D
