Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Girl Friday

OK, so Veronica and I got together over the weekend to do some more art work, and I set out to take on an ambitious project--a picture of my oldest daughter. Problem is that it doesn't really look like her, but it turns out that she doesn't mind. Initially when I was drawing the face with pencil, she wanted nothing to do with it and had me promise to not associate her name with the finished product. I obliged her and made the eyes blue lest anyone question whether it was a picture of her. However, when she saw how pretty the face turned out, immediately she reclaimed it and wanted everyone, including her boyfriend, to know that her mom was drawing her portrait. LOL.

In the end, we all decided that this girl is a mixture of my two daughters and me, which is fitting, so I named her Girl Friday. It really has been fun for me doing these pictures--it is a form of worship that leaves me unconscious of time so that I find myself working into the wee hours of the morning. Wonder what the Lord will have me do next?


  1. She looks awesome!!!!
    I don't know what He will have you do next but let's find out soon!!!! :D

  2. Ha Ha - my hand needs a break from all the coloring!
